Welcome to Immigration Secrets

The purpose of this website is to create awareness for the topic of immigration and help every immigrant out there to build a new life in his immigration country of his choice.


Have you thought about immigration before? Have you aspired for a better life for yourself and for your family? Maybe you are interested in cultural change and have a desire to meet new people and learn a new language?


It is important to understand that immigration is a long process that takes years but is ultimately worth any price

On this website you will get a better perspective about the immigration process regardless of the immigration destination country you will choose. If you decide that you really want to immigrate, remember that you are a hero, since most people in the world will not choose to go through an immigration process and only a brave minority decides to change their lives. Most people in the world will live all their lives in their home country and many of them in the neighborhood where they grew up and were educated.


Immigration is actually a window of opportunity for you but at the same time no one guarantees you that this window of opportunity will remain open for you in the future. For that matter one can look at the processes that happened in the United States. The United States has always been considered the most popular immigration destination among immigrants. In the 20th century many immigrants flocked to the United States to achieve a better life and back then the American dream seemed closer than ever. The land of unlimited opportunities.


Today the United States is still considered an immigration destination but its strict immigration policy makes it difficult for many immigrants to enter the United States. In addition, in the United States the gaps between the rich and the poor are growing, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Compared to the United States there is another country that is now much more attractive and popular to immigrants.


 This country is Germany. In today's Germany there is a combination of capitalism and socialism (although today it is much more capitalist than in the past). The cost of living in this country is still reasonable and not like in other western countries and in addition this country also takes care of its weaker sections. In fact, Germany is so popular in terms of immigration that in recent years Americans, Canadians, British and Australians have been queuing up just to immigrate to Germany.


Germany offers a more egalitarian and fairer life and its economic model that is closer to the economic model of the Scandinavian countries than to the economic model found in the United States. In addition, many refugees from around the world choose to immigrate to Germany rather than the United States or Canada. why? Today's Germany also encourages immigration due to the fact that it needs a young labor force (Germany's population is aging year by year). In addition, Germany is a humane country that accepts the different and the other and provides many opportunities for its residents and citizens. If you are interested in immigrating, it is important that you understand that this is a process that will change your life forever. It is important that you understand that you will have to work very hard in order to be able to go through this process. You will have to make a lot of sacrifices and sometimes at the beginning even to live a lower standard of living than you are used to.


I would like to wish you success in whichever way you choose in your life,



Erez Agam