• You should read all the information that you can get and understand the immigration policies of your destination country prior to your arrival. In addition, you also need to understand that this is a very long process that takes several years and therefore you should prepare for this process mentally and financially. Understand that patience is the key word in order to complete an immigration process.

  • I have always recommended to arrive with at least 10000 Euros, however nowadays due to the rising cost of living that is happening all over the world you should have at least 15000 Euros prior to your arrival.

  • Since I always dreamed about immigration (from a young age), I didn’t really have time to think deeply about cultural shock since I was focusing on my immigration process. I got used to the German mentality pretty fast. (Remember that the immigration process is very intense, therefore at first you will not have time to think about cultural shock).

  • The book contains unique information that helps the immigrant. Information that cannot be found on any other source, (not even at immigration lawyers office). Only an immigrant who went through the immigration process should know it. This book is meant to help immigrants in their immigration process, that is the reason I wrote it.


  • The journey I went through is a unique journey because I arrived in Germany without any prior connections, no work visa, no source of income. I only arrived with a suitcase and had to build a new life from scratch. The immigration process I went through is considered an emotional one, and as I gained knowledge in this process I developed a desire to share it with other people and that is the reason the this book is the best immigration guide for immigrants.

  • The information in this book comes from my immigration experience. The immigration laws in this book are relevant to the immigration process in Germany (German immigration laws) but at the same time the concept and spirit of immigration remain the same. Therefore, the basics of the immigration process in this book will help any immigrant in any immigration destination he chooses.

  • The book describes my immigration process in Berlin from A and Z , as I arrived in Berlin without any prior connections, without a job, without a visa, without an apartment but only with a suitcase. The book answers all the questions (finding a job even if you do not have a European passport, finding an apartment, issuing a work visa, what is the difference between a European passport holder and a non-European passport holder, employees rights in Berlin, converting a driver's license to a German license and more ...) Beyond that it is an emotional book. You will experience different emotions, feelings and characters with whom I met during my immigration journey. Furthermore,  the book takes readers together with me to experience the streets of Berlin and its atmosphere in an authentic way.

  • I discovered that there is no power in the world that can stand up to determination and persistence and also as I knew in advance, the fulfillment of the dream of immigration is worth any price.


  • Throughout the process of writing the book, the emotional impact had a decisive impact. The emotional impact encouraged me and made me write with more passion. Without the emotional impact I would not have written the book.

  • Beyond the bureaucratic procedures, and the known challenges like finding a job, finding an apartment and learning the German language the most difficult part of the immigration process is the feeling of loneliness (especially when you go through the immigration process alone). In the book I describe how to overcome the feeling of loneliness which in my opinion is the greatest difficulty.

  • It took me personally one year and nine months to complete Level C1.2 level. I started intensively for about half a year and then continued with a semi intensive course twice a week until I finished. Even after that I continued reading books and watching videos to maintain and improve my German. Learning the German language varies from person to person and therefore a person who invests intensely and passionately will learn the language very quickly unlike a person who takes a semi intensive course twice a week. At the same time, it is important to love the German language. A person who learns the language with passion and love will progress faster even if he does not learn intensively. Learning a language in general is a procedure that takes years and therefore requires a lot of patience.


  • The best advice is to believe in yourself and your abilities. Finding a job is not a simple task but it is doable, so you need to take it seriously. In the book I describe a number of platforms on which resumes can be submitted for jobs in Berlin and I also describe what is important to focus on before submitting a resume for a job opportunity. In addition, I also encourage you to ask important questions before or during your job interview (all of this and more you will be able to find in the book).


  • Germany is considered the number one immigration destination in Europe and many immigrants come to settle in Berlin due to the fact that there are a lot of attractions in this city. Each neighborhood in the city has its uniqueness. Because I love parks and green spaces my favorite place is Tempelhof Park which is not only considered a historic place but also serves as a paradise for picnic lovers, runners, cyclers and skaters. The park is very impressive in its beauty and size.

  • The book is suitable for anyone interested in immigrating or relocating to Germany or any other destination (since I also focus on the mindset of the immigrant and not only the German bureaucratic procedures).  

    This book reveals my complete immigration story and will provide you a better perception about the process. Even though the book describes the immigration process I underwent in Berlin and it is specifically relevant to the immigration laws of Germany, the overall concept process remains relevant to any destination and you will be able to take that concept and implement it into any destination of your choice. This book is for those who are interested in immigrating and who have a desire for immigration in general, a desire for Germany, a desire for Berlin and a desire to explore and know more about the character of an immigrant.

  • Berlin is a very diverse city in terms of its population structure. It is important to understand that it is one of the most popular cities in the world in terms of immigration. The whole world is migrating to Berlin.

    Remember - You have a window of opportunity now. That window is open for you and you could take advantage of it, it's your chance to immigrate now, because it is impossible to know what will happen in the future. I am proud of the immigration process I went through even though it was not an easy process. After talking to many immigrants who went through the same process, everyone without exception said it was the best decision they had made in their lives. I have found out that there is no power in the world that can stand up to determination and persistence and also as I knew in advance, the fulfillment of the dream of immigration is worth any price.

  • When you say the word Germany, thoughts of World War II, the Holocaust, always come to mind, perhaps even cold and unpleasant people. Over the years, even the movies that were shown in Hollywood did not do well with the image - the Americans are the good guys and the Germans are the bad guys. Today, Germany is open to any immigrant and the change this country has undergone in such a short time is amazing. This country is considered an open and accepting country to the different or the other. Most of the inhabitants of Germany are against racism and in favor of openness and acceptance as I have described in my book.


  • Unlike other German cities, for me Berlin is a city of great influence not only because of its history including the Berlin Wall and the detachment and trauma that Berliners experienced due to that fact, but because of the fact that this city presents two sides simultaneously. A sad side that commemorates and reminds the victims of the Holocaust and World War II (many monuments can be seen in the city commemorating the victims) combined together with a happy side of openness, acceptance of the different and the other, patience and tolerance.

  • The immigration process is not a simple process and therefore you need to know what exactly you are getting into. You need to know that it is a life-changing experience. The immigrant leaves his previous country permanently in order to start a new life in a new place, so an immigrant needs to be mentally strong, dedicate his life for the immigration process and be committed to it, understand that he will have to work very hard and at the same time face unexpected difficulties in his immigration journey.

  • Immigrants come to Germany for various reasons, some of them refugees. At the moment Germany opens its gates to immigrants (therefore, you have an opportunity, take it!). In addition, those who immigrate to Germany know that it has the strongest economy in Europe and in the long term they will be able to enjoy employment stability and live a high quality life.

  • Berlin is an international city and that is why you can find diverse restaurants and cuisine from many countries. The culinary scene in Berlin is very diverse so you can always visit a new restaurant and try different dishes. Personally, I like Middle Eastern food especially hummus which can also be easily found in the city.