Wines in Berlin

One of the advantages in Berlin is that you can find a wide range of fine wines not only in supermarkets but also in wine shops. Beyond that the prices of wines in Berlin are one of the cheapest. You can find a bottle of fine wine at a price of only 6€. Regular wine prices can range from 2€ to 5€. You can also find a selection of other drinks in Germany. I personally like the South African cabernet sauvignon dry red wine. It is important to understand the benefits of drinking wine (of course it is important not to overdo it). The first benefit of red wine is the reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Also, moderate drinking of wine could reduce the risk of several types of cancers, delay the development of diabetes, reduce the risk of stroke and Alzheimer's disease.


Beyond that there is a marked improvement in lung function and digestive system function. The variety of wines in Berlin is endless, so buying wine in Berlin is considered a matter of routine. I personally like to drink a glass of red wine occasionally and think the wine adds a lot to any culinary dish. While in other countries the price of a bottle of wine is more expensive, in Germany the price of a bottle of wine is considered very reasonable so anyone could afford to buy a bottle of wine (the wine is not exclusively for the rich).


You can always give the bottle of wine as a gift to a friend or bring it with you to a social gathering. In Germany, there are a large number of winery yards that can be visited. One of the things I have always loved about winery yards is the serenity that accompanies you as you walk the pastoral paths of the winery yard. Beyond that, the winery is a place of pure nature that helps you break away from your daily routine. If you live in Germany, try buying a different type of red wine each time, so you will enjoy a different taste of wine each time. Of course, if you like a certain bottle of wine over time you will only buy that bottle, but in my opinion, it is always good to try a new bottle of wine from time to time. Wine in culture has always been associated with romantic and joyful events and there are those whose profession is wine tasting which is carried out for the purpose of rating the same winery or restaurant.

Wines in a store in Berlin

Wines in a store in Kreuzberg, Berlin


Transportation in Berlin/Germany


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