Berlin stands with Ukraine

The unjustified war in Ukraine took most of us back to the 20th century. Over the years, many countries have developed in so many ways and invested their time in creating better technology, human rights, climate protection, medicines, openness for the other and the different, having a better transparency and democracy,communications and many more aspects.

But at the same time, there are countries that have decided to stay behind and still think about conquests and territories instead of focusing on the important things that could help humanity. Germany is one of the advanced countries where brotherhood reconciliation and acceptance of the different and the other have been created. It is therefore, no wonder that Germany is clearly helping Ukraine. Following the Russian invasion, the German government decided to supply military equipment to Ukraine and also took part in the sanctions imposed on Russia.

 As for now, approximately 170K Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Germany but this number is constantly increasing. In addition, Germany together with the United Nations assisted financially with millions of euros to the life-saving humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine. I personally visited the Ukraine refugees help center that is located near Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Station).

At the center, the refugees receive assistance, food and guidance. Germany demonstrates not only solidarity with Ukraine but also takes action to help the refugees. Once again Germany proves that it is not only welcoming and accepting immigrants from all over the world, but also refugees. While the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is growing worse and increasing exponentially, Germany is providing help and support and proves again and again that it is one of the most humanitarian countries in the world.

Berlin stands with Ukraine

The sign - "Stand with Ukraine" at Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Billboard - "Stop Wars" at Alexanderplatz


The Holocaust Memorial


Marike Wulsten