Die Markthalle IX (Markthalle Neun)

Die Markthalle IX (Markthalle Neun) and also known as Eisenbahnmarkthalle is one of the well known Indoor markets in Berlin. Located at Eisenbahnstraße 42/43 (East side of Kreuzberg) and a walking distance from Görlitzer Park. The market was built in the late 19th century and was officially opened to the public in 1891. Luckily the building of the market managed to survive the second world war of the 20th century (even though it was slightly damaged). Over the years and due to the changes in the German economy, the market experienced a lot of ups and downs but was still able to stay active.

Markthalle Neun, fresh vegetables

However in the 90's of the 20th century it was planned to sell the entire market building to one of the largest supermarket chains in Germany, who actually intended to destroy this historic structure and replace it with a modern shopping center with underground parking. In 2011 the building was saved again from the wrecking ball thanks to the intervention of three German entrepreneurs: Bernd Maier, Nikolaus Driessen and Florian Niedermeier who managed to convince the Senate of Berlin to let them rebuild the marketplace and bring new lively spirit into East Kreuzberg (they actually collected 500 signatures to support their idea of preserving the structure).

Markthalle Neun, main gate

Markthalle Neun, main gate

The Berlin Senate was also convinced and agreed because of the concept of reviving the historic hall as a neighborhood centre in East Kreuzberg. Together with the architectural historian Peter Lemburg, they had developed a new concept for the renovation of the structure. They worked hard on the building's design and interior and nowadays the market contains lots of food stands that focus on a great customer experience. strolling around the market you will be able to enjoy lots of variety of goods, such as: vegetables, international and global foods, a variety of drinks, Spices, vegan and nonvegan food and most importantly a cool young international environment. This market hall also provides a platform for a variety of projects dealing with topics such as the environment protection, agriculture, biology and more. On top of that, it provides a cooking school regularly and organizes courses in which children can learn everything about the conscious handling of cuisine and food.

Vegan food

Vegan food

Gingers, carrots and onions

Gingers, carrots and onions




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