Walid Tlili

One of the people I met at the beginning of my immigration journey is my good friend Walid Talili. I first met Walid in a German language course at die deutSCHule located in Neukölln area, and I immediately connected with him due to his middle eastern mentality. Walid is a very talented guy originally from Tunisia (he speaks four languages), who proves again and again that the spirit of immigration is alive and kicking. Although he encountered bureaucratic problems regarding his visa, Walid continued his immigration journey until he stayed in Berlin.

During my immigration journey I will meet Walid once again under other circumstances. One of the beautiful things about Berlin is the opportunity to meet special people I would not meet anywhere else. Unlike the middle east region, where there are wars and tensions between different nations, in the city of Berlin it is possible to make connections and help each other in the immigration journey. Why should innocent 18-year-olds join in the military and fight pointless wars for politicians? All conflicts in the middle east were possible to prevent and should have been resolved long ago.

Berlin is a city that connects all people and in fact the immigrants who move there want to forget about the tensions that exist between the various nations in the middle east. Immigrants are interested in having connections, peace and co-creation. Freedom also means freedom from fake news. News that distorts reality presents a misrepresentation of such and such enemies. The people do not want wars but want to live in peace.

Many governments are interested in creating tensions in order to sow fear and division in the residents so that they will think that there is indeed hatred between the nations. In Germany there is a unification between all peoples and they understand that there is no room for racism and hatred. This is one of the reasons why many refugees are interested in coming to Germany. They want to forget the hatred of the past and build a new life for themselves. They want to have a better life. They want to be free. Germany proves again and again that it is the best place for immigrants. Always remember that no matter what your background is or where you came from. In Germany you can build a new life and also gain one of the highest quality of life in the world.

Together at shisha bar in Neukölln

Together at shisha bar in Neukölln

Together at Azzam Restaurant in Neukölln

Together at Azzam Restaurant in Neukölln


Die Stolpersteine


Nostalgic moments - No price for freedom